The Historic Sunset Highway
in Washington

Colockum Road

A Lone Highwayman
Single Handed, He Robs a Stage and Compels a Passenger to Assist Him.
Dalles Daily Chronicle
June 18, 1891

Ellensburg, June 16, 1891 The stage from Wenatchee arrived two hours ahead of time today, the horses covered with foam. The driver, William Hearn. excitedly announced that the stage had been held up about noon by a single robber near Summit, twenty-five miles from here, who compelled, the only passenger, H. C. Carver, to alight and rip open the mail bags, after compelling the driver to throw them out.

The latter was obliged to remain on his seat and pick out the registered packages. The robber allowed the passenger to gather up the scattered letters, and told the driver to go on.

The robber wore a black mask and carried a revolver and shot gun. The driver made a remarkably accurate description of the man, and officers are already at work on the case, which seems possessed of mysterious features eight registered letters and packages, all from Waterville, are missing, and two leather mail bags are badly slit.

The driver declares that this must have been the first job the man ever attempted, as he trembled like a leaf while doing it. The robbery occurring as it did, in broad day light.